منتديات المُنى والأرب

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صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:36 AM


Long back, there lived a learned Brahmin in Taxila. His name was Shivdutt. He was a great scholar of the Vedas and other books and had defeated many other scholars during discourses on theology. He had a friend named Namdev, who was equally learned and wise. Shivdutta loved and believed in Namdev.
Once Namdev suggested to Shivdutta, "Let us go to Patliputra, the city of scholars, and test our knowledge there."http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...avati_rive.jpg
Shivdutta consented to the proposal of Namdev and said, "Certainly, we would go to test our wisdom and compare it with the knowledge of the scholars there. We would know our worth."
So they left for Patliputra.
When they reached a river quite near the city, they saw a woman washing clothes. They said to her, "We are travelers and new to this place. Please, guide us which place would be suitable for us to stay." The lady said, "I know that lions live in a forest. The fish live in water, birds live in their nests and a king lives in his palace, but I do not know where the travelers live."
Both were surprised on hearing her. This was their first encounter with a scholar in that city.
Both proceeded ahead. After some time, they saw a child crying despite of the fact that there was a plate of delicious food before him. They said, "See what a fool this boy is! He is weeping though there is hot and fresh food before him."
The boy laughed on hearing them, "I am not a fool, but I am sure you are. Don't you know why I am crying? Weeping clears the throat and increases the power of digestion."
After realizing the child's cleverness, Namdev said, "Dear, the city is full of scholars. Be cautious, otherwise we would be disgraced. Then both the friends proceeded ahead."http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti..._hot_mango.jpg
After walking some distance, they saw a garden of mangoes. A girl was plucking the fruit, sitting on a tree.
Namdev said to the girl, "We are coming from a far-off place. Will you please drop some mangoes for us?"
The girl agreed and asked, "Okay what type of mangoes would you like, hot or cold?"
To this, both the friends were surprised. But Shivdutt asked for hot mangoes thinking that the word ‘Hot' must be a synonym for ‘ripe' mangoes.
The girl dropped several ripe mangoes. Both the friends cleaned the dust on the fruit by blowing it away and started eating them.
The girl commented "The mangoes seem to be very hot, as you are blowing air to cool them down. Another method to cool them is that you could go to the nearby pond and dip them in the cold water."
Shivdutt was greatly embarrassed to know the hidden meaning of the words said by the girl. Then he said to Namdev, "The girl is the most intelligent of all the people we have met so far. But I will teach her a lesson. Anyhow I will marry her and take my revenge."
Namdev said, "I will be happy if the girl becomes your wife. But marrying her for taking revenge is not a sensible idea. She has done nothing wrong."
Shivdutt said, "She has tried to degrade us by speaking to us in this way. We feel humiliated now."
Namdev said, "You yourself called her intelligent earlier. And now you want to take revenge. I think you should take her comments positively."
But these sermons failed to change the attitude of Shivdutt. He asked Namdev to follow the girl and find out her name, address, etc. for further actions. Now when the girl started for her house with basket of mangoes, Namdev followed her secretly.
On his return, Namdev told Shivdutt, "She is the daughter of pandit Ramanand and her name is Kalavati. Her house is very near to this place."
Both the friends stayed at a nearby inn for the night. Shivdutt chalked out his plan. They decided to go to the house of the girl in disguise of Brahmins. Next day they started reading Vedic verses loudly in front of the house of Ramanand. Ramanand heard and came out. He saw them and thought, ‘They appear to be scholars. Let me talk to them.' So he went near and said, "From where have you come? It seems you are new to this city."http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti..._met_each_.jpg
Shivdutt answered him, "We have come from Alkapuri and want to study here."
Ramanand said, "You have come from afar and must be tired. Moreover, the rainy season is approaching. I request you to be my guest and stay at my house. Thereafter, you may do as you like."
Shivdutt was happy to see that his plan was working out properly. He said, "We can stay here, but on the condition that you would give me the thing which I ask for before my return."
Ramanand promised, "Certainly! I will give you the thing, if possible."
At this, both the friends stayed there. Panditji and his daughter Kalvanti served them well. She could not recognize them as the same persons whom she had met in the garden of mangoes.
When the rainy season was over, both the friends decided to go back. They told Ramanand about their desire to leave. Shivdutt also remained him of his condition for staying. Panditji said, "Of course! I had promised you. You can ask for anything. If it is in my hand, I will grant it to you." Shivdutt said, "Give your daughter to me in marriage." Panditji was surprised but thought, ‘The Brahmin is intelligent and my daughter will live happily with him.' So he married his daughter to Shivdutt.
After the marriage when Shivdutt met her, he mentioned the incident of the garden and said that she had degraded him by playing a trick on him, and she should be sorry for her behavior. At this, Kalavati said, "You are a villager and hence are slow to understand the meaning of a thing." Now Shivdutt lost his temper and said, "Do not think yourself to be too intelligent. Now you will see how this villager teaches you a lesson. I shall go forever leaving you alone here. You will remain here repenting forever."
Kalavati was not moved and said, "Even if you go, you would return one day out of the love for your children."
Shivdutt thought, ‘I will not live with her and as such, the question of children would not arise at all.'
Shivdutt accepted the challenge of his wife. At the middle of the night, he got up and went away leaving his wife alone. However, before going out, he took off his ring and put it on the finger of Kalavati. Then he left Taxila with Namdev.
When Kalavati got up in the morning, she found her husband missing. When he did not return even after many days, she got worried. Meanwhile, she noticed a ring in her finger. The ring had the name and address of her husband engraved on it. She came to know that her husband Shivdutt belonged to Taxila. She decided to bring him back. She told her father that she was going for a pilgrimage as her husband had left her at the mercy of God. The father allowed her and gave money and maids to attend to her.
Kalavati started for Taxila in a palanquin. On her way to the city, she purchased beautiful dresses fitted for a dancer. When she reached there, she ordered to pitch a tent at the outskirts of the city. Her tent was decorated like a royal palace.
Kalavati changed her name to Anarkali. She sent her maids to the city to promote her as the most beautiful and expert dancer of the time.
Hearing about Anarkali, another dancer of the city, Roopali, came to meet and wanted to know about her. Anarkali told Roopali that she belonged to Vaishali and had come here to study about the culture and traditions of the city.
Anarkali treated Roopali well and extended her hand of friendship. Roopali was very happy and offered her palace to Anarkali to stay. Anarkali accepted her offer and shifted to the palace.
Hearing about Anarkali, Namdev, the friend of Anarkali's husband Shivdutt came to see her in the evening. The guards of Anarkali asked him to take a bath, which took a lot of time. Thereafter, he was asked to wear a special dress. Then he was taken to a room, where he was offered delicious food. Two-thirds of the night had passed and when he reached the door of Anarkali, he was stopped by the guard who said to him, "No decent person should come to meet a lady at this odd hour. You cannot meet her now." Namdev felt insulted and returned to his house. He thought that the lady was very intelligent, as she had very cleverly forced him to go back. He told Shivdutt about it who was annoyed and wanted to take revenge.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ase_from_m.jpg
Shivdutt went to the place of Anarkali and bribed the guards at all places and, thus, reached the door of Anarkali easily. There he gave a diamond necklace to the lady guard and asked her to convey the massage- ‘A person named Shivdutt wants to meet you.' Anarkali called him inside. Seeing the beauty of Anarkali, he lost his heart to her and said, "You are really very beautiful. I have no words to praise your beauty.
Anarkali welcomed and gave him generous and cordial hospitality. She also presented a most attractive dance.
When Shivdutt was about to leave the palace, Anarkali requested him to come again. Shivdutt now become a daily visitor.
One day, Anarkali proposed to Shivdutt saying, "I came here only to search for a life partner. Would you like to marry me?" Shivdutt deeply in love and bewitched by her beauty, readily agreed. Soon they got married. Shivdutt shifted to the palace of Anarkali and started living there. When Anarkali was pregnant, she expressed her desire to go back and told Shivdutt, "I am going on the orders of the king. Do not be sad. I will come back soon."
But on reaching Patliputra, Kalavati did not return. At the right time, she gave birth to a baby boy. As the child grew, Kalavati taught her son all the art and skills. She also gave him a good education.
This way the boy became perfect in all the arts. When he was about 12 years old wanted to know about his father. Kalavati narrated him the story and said, "Your father is a great scholar and learned man. He lives in Taxila. His name is Shivdutt. He also has a very close friend named Namdev."
Knowing about him, the boy promised to bring his father back home. After receiving his mother's blessings, he proceeded to Taxila. There, he made a thorough search for his father. Someone told him that Shivdutt was very distressed and kept himself busy in gambling. He reached the gambling house and recognized his father with the help of his features described by his mother. His father was busy gambling. The boy had also been taught the art of gambling by his mother. He was an expert in it. He participated in the game and soon won all the money the gamblers had. Shivdutt was very impressed by the boy, who seemed to be very intelligent. He asked the boy, "Who taught you the art of gambling at this young age?"
The boy said, "I Know many arts and have deep knowledge of different subjects."
Shivdutt invited the boy to stay with him. The boy made a condition that they would tell stories to each other. At the end of the story, the listener would have to explain the hidden meaning of the story. The one who is unable to do it would accept his defeat and serve the other as a slave for ever. He accepted the condition of the boy.
Next day, the competition of storytelling started between the boy and his father. The first story was told by Shivdutt, "There was famine in the state of a king. He covered the beloved of the pig by the chariot of serpents and showers of water. This way the king ended the famine."
The boy clarified, "The chariot of serpents means clouds. The earth beloved of the pig that refers to Lord Vishnu who had incarnated as a pig. That is, the king produced cereals with the help of rain."
The correct answer surprised Shivdutt. Now the boy's turn, "Long Ago, a strange boy was born on the earth. His birth caused the earth to shake. When he gained age, he stepped out onto another world."
Shivdutt accepted his defeat. The boy was now ready to go back his home. Shivdutt had to go to Patliputra as slave. The boy went to his mother with his father, who recognized Kalavati but asked about the birth of the boy.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti..._son_and_w.jpg
Kalavati clarified how she had done all this only to bring him back. This way she proved her words and asked her husband, "Will you leave us again?"
Shivdutt said, "Oh no! Never! The boy has made me his slave by winning the competition of storytelling."
Shivdutt was very happy to get his wife and son back after a long time.

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:36 AM


Long ago, there was a trader named Sripad. He amassed a huge wealth by his hard work. He had everything in his house.
One day, he set out on a trade journey. When he was passing through a forest, he felt tired and wanted to take rest for some time. He sat under a tree to relax.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...e_thinking.jpg
While relaxing, he felt thirsty and desired for a glass of Water, 'If I had some water with which I could quench my thirst right now!' There was a miracle. No sooner did he wish for water than a pitcher appeared before him. He quenched his thirst and felt relieved.
After some time, he felt hungry and wished for food. He said to himself, 'If a plate of tasty food be available to me now, I would be really lucky.'
As soon as he thought of it, there appeared a plate of tasty food before him. He ate to his full satisfaction. Too much of food made him drowsy and he murmured, 'How can I sleep on this rough surface? Why shouldn't there be a soft bed for me?' As he uttered these words, a colourful and comfortable bed of velvet appeared before him immediately.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...e_thinking.jpg
Sripad slept on the bed. He felt as if he was in heaven as his all desires were being fulfilled immediately. He was quite unaware that he was sleeping under a tree which can fulfil any desire. It was not an ordinary tree but a Kalpavriksha (a tree thought to have powers to fulfil any desire).
Sripad enjoyed a good sleep on the velvet bed. After he awoke, he began to think, 'I am all alone in the forest which is full of wild animals like lions, tigers and wolves who may come at any moment and can kill me. I would not be able to protect myself.'
As he thought so, a ferocious tiger appeared there and attacked Sripad. Poor Sripad was so scared that he could not even run. Thus, he was killed because of his negative thinking.
It is said that the a man is always led by his thought. A positive thinking leads to positive results. It anticipates happiness and favourable result from every situation. Hence, we should always be positive.

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:37 AM


One day, a boy was playing in a garden. He was running after butterflies and trying to catch them. He was very happy to see the colourful flowers.
Then he saw a frog skipping and jumping. As he ran behind the frog, it jumped into the pond.
A cow was also grazing in the garden. He saw how the cow was chewing grass. A fly then came there and buzzed over the cow. The cow swung her tail to make the fly move away. The child clapped and laughed.
http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...rom_nature.jpgThe boy was enjoying the beauty of nature. He said, "Nature is wonderful. Its beauty attracts everyone."
When he saw a squirrel he ran after it and reached near the bed of roses. He tried to pluck some of the roses, but a thorn pierced his finger. It was very painful. The boy started crying and ran to his house.
His mother asked him, "What is the matter? Why are you crying?" The boy said, "The thorn of the rose pierced my finger while I was plucking it and now I feel severe pain."
His mother said, "It is your mistake. You should not have tried to pluck the flower. The flowers are meant to be seen and not to be plucked. Besides, natural beauty should never be harmed. One should not interfere with the natural processes. Instead, we should help to maintain the nature."
The son said, "I will always follow what you have just told, mama."
The Mother said, "Let me know what you have learnt today." Her son explained, "We should protect all living beings, whether animals or plants. We should never harm them. Unnecessary interference with nature is harmful. It may harm the human beings in the long run."

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:37 AM


Once upon a time there was a tailor in a city. He was jolly and broad-minded. He used to call the people to his house and narrated them amazing stories. People listened to his stories with great interest.
There was a barber's shop near his store. The barber was very talkative. People knew his habit of gossiping and often enjoyed his gossips.
One day, a lame stranger came in front of the tailor's shop. The stranger came in front of the tailor's shop. The stranger was tired and wanted to take rest. The tailor felt pity for him and asked him to rest for a while in his shop. The man was very thankful. All of a sudden, he saw the barber and became very sad. He said to the tailor, "I am angry with this barber as he has ruined my life. I hate him and cannot stay here anymore."
http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ling_story.jpgThe tailor asked him, "Why are you so angry with him?"
The stranger took a long breath and narrated his story to the tailor: "my father was a rich bu8sinessman of Baghdad. After his death, I was the only heir to all the wealth he possessed. I was a bachelor to the core and did not like woman."
One day while I was passing along a road, I saw a beautiful girl standing at the window of a house. I fell in love with her at the first sight. At the same time, I guessed him as the father of the girl and quickly left the place, but could not forget the girl. I wanted to marry her. I disclosed my love to one of the friends of my mother. She said, "I know the girl. She is too proud and her father is the judge of the District Court. You may never be able to win her heart. But do not worry. I will help you and talk to her."
She went to the girl and expressed my desire to her. But the girl did not want to meet me. But after much persuasion, she called me on Friday after her father had gone to the mosque for prayer.
I was very happy and eager to meet her. I got up early in the morning on Friday. I called this barber to shave my beard. I asked him to finish his work quickly, but the barber was talking continuously. I scolded him and said, "Hurry up; I have to go to meet someone."
But the barber did not care at all. Leaving the shave in between, he went out to see the sun and came back after sometime. He said, "Today is not a good day for you and hence, do not go out to meet anyone."
I shouted at him, "Stop talking nonsense! Finish your work and go away."
But the barber continued absurdly and said, "I am not an ordinary barber. I know all about future. I want to help you."
I asked him, "Go away and never come again."
But the barber did not go. He waited for some time and again said, "My master, I came here only when you called me. I will shave your beard and then I will come with you."
Then he started shaving my beard. But he kept on talking continuously. He asked me, "Tell me where you are going."
I did not want to tell him the truth. Hence, I lied that I was going to meet my friends. I had been ill and now had recovered. So I wanted to treat my friends. It would be a big feast."
Suddenly, he stopped shaving and said seriously, "Master, I have also invited my friends for a feast today. I forgot that I had to purchase some food from them."
"Be quick, I will give you food for your friends. Finish your work fast," I said, since I was in a hurry.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...er_running.jpg
Without waiting for a reply, he started dancing, and said, "Come to my house and enjoy the company of my friends. They will entertain you. Visit your friends some other day."
I laughed at him. He was too talkative. I told him, "I would be very happy to go to your house. But today it is not possible because I have to meet my friends. I will come to your house some other time." The barber said, "It does not matter if you cannot come to my house. I would like to accompany you to your friends. I will give food to my friends." I cried, "Be quick and shave." At last he shaved my beard. I told him, "My servants will give you food for your friends, you can take my servants with you and go now." He went away. I got ready and left to meet the girl. I was happy to meet her. It was not in my knowledge that barber had followed me. Soon we realized that her father had returned earlier than usual. She was surprised. When I peeped from the window, I saw the barber sitting across the road.
Meanwhile, her father entered the house. He got angry with his servant on some matter and started beating him. The servant cried in pain.
The loud cry, made the barber think that I was being beaten, hence he shouted for help. People gathered around the girl's house. The barber asked her father why was he beating his master, i.e. me. The father could not understand anything and said, "What nonsense are you talking? Who is your master? I do not know your master."
The barber said, "My master is with your daughter. Do you know they love each other? I thought you have asked your servants to beat my master. Anyway, leave my master."
The girl's father said, "There is no one in my house. Come inside and see for yourself." The barber entered the house along the people gathered and started searching for me everywhere. I had hidden myself inside a box, but the barber noticed it. He opened the box and found me there. He shouted and attracted the attention of the people. I jumped from the box and ran out of the house. As I was in a hurry, I collided with a stone and fell on the ground and broke my leg. Since then, I am a cripple. The people started following me and to stop them, I threw gold and silver coins behind me. Though the other people stopped to pick the coins, the barber continued to follow me. Seeing the barber behind me, I took shelter in an inn and asked the owner not to allow the barber to enter. He stopped the barber on the gate. Since then I hate the barber. He has spoiled my life.
After this, the stranger got up and went away.
Thereafter, the tailor asked the barber "Was this man feeling the truth?" The barber said, "He was right. I tried to help him but he hated me. I wanted to make his love story public and out of shame the judge would have allowed him to marry his daughter. But he did not understand me."

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:38 AM


Long ago, there lived a farmer in a village. His name was Ramu. He was all alone and had no family. He was fond of hookah or hubble-bubble (a kind of long pipe for smoking). Better say, he was much addicted to it.
One night, Ramu's desire for Hookah became so intense that he could not sleep. He tried his best but the desire for hookah made him restless. So he got up and put tobacco in the chilam (the container at the top of a hookah). Thereafter, he made a thorough search for some burning coal to be put into the chilam but there was no fire in the kitchen. Finding no other alternative, he went to his neighbour. It was mid-night and most people had gone to bed. He knocked at the door of his neighbour. The neighbourer was surprised to see Ramu at the door so late in the night. He asked, "What happened? Is there an emergency?"
http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...rom_hookah.jpgRamu was unable to speak clearly yet spoke hesitatingly, "The….. the….the desire for Hookah brought me here"
He continued, "There was no fire in my kitchen, therefore I have come to you. Please give me some burning coal so that I can put into the pot of the tobacco."
Now the neighbour laughed and said, "You have your lantern (oil lamp) and with the help of its fire you can easily burn coal. But without thinking you came here."
Ramu realized his mistake and felt embarrassed for his folly.
The neighbour further said, "It is typical human nature. Although they have something in hand, they tend to search for it everywhere. This is one of the biggest stupidity inherent in them."

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:39 AM


Once Raghuraj Singh, the king of Ramgarh, was sitting in his court. The court was packed full with scholars, advisors, ministers and visitors. A discourse was going on in the court. The king was enjoying the jests of the scholars, when his attention was diverted due to the stinging of an ant on his foot. He searched for the ant and picked it up. Then he said, "See! Even a creature so small, can sometimes give immense pain. This ant was stinging on my foot." Then he asked the courtiers if they knew the most dangerous creature.
The question of the king made all courtiers silent for a moment, but after a while they started answering the question. Most of the people said that snakes were very dangerous. Some people said that snakes were poisonous as well as non-poisonous, so they could not be considered as the most dangerous creatures. Some were of the opinion that dogs were the most dangerous creatures because the condition of a person becomes critical if he or she is bitten by a mad dog. But this opinion was also opposed by others who opined that dogs are the most faithful animals and their friends too.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti..._give_his_.jpg
The discussion continued and people included flies, mosquitoes, scorpions, crocodiles and others. The process of agreeing and disagreeing continued for a long time. The king heard all the views minutely.
Meanwhile, his eyes fell on Pandit Ramnarayan who was a known scholar of his time. There was no one equivalent to him in knowledge, logic, intelligence and wisdom and modest. He expressed his views only when asked.
The king asked Ramnarayan politely, "panditji, would you like to express your views on the topic." Panditji replied, "I think the humans are the most dangerous creatures of all. The people who are of vicious nature and those who are perfect in flattering others, are more dangerous than any animal."
The king asked the panditji to clarify his point.
Panditji said, "A vicious person is dangerous in the sense that he always gets irritated on your good as well as bad acts. Moreover, if you do good for him he would return it in a bad manner. He happens to be a backbiter and will always try to defame you."
"On the other hand, a person who is a flatterer would always praise you despite your weaknesses. He will address you as the most intelligent, brave and great person. Sometimes, he would not even hesitate to put you as equivalent to God. This way, he will keep you in dark and you will always continue to commit sins."
"A flatterer would also make you vainglorious and would keep you far away from the reality. Consequently, a time will come when you will not be able to face the reality. It will give you a great shock."
"A snake or a dog is dangerous only when it bites a man. And a person bitten by a snake or a mad dog can be saved with a timely and proper treatment. But a person who is the victim of wickedness or flattery of a person can hardly be recovered and may continue to suffer throughout his life."http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...s_creature.jpg
All the courtiers were surprised to hear Pandit Ramnarayan. But the king again asked, "Who is more dangerous: a vicious person or a flatterer?"
Pandit Ramnarayan replied, "Oh king! A flatterer is more dangerous then a vicious person. The activities of a vicious person can be tolerated as he targets your weakness all the time. This way you can remove your weaknesses and reform yourself. Kabir has rightly said, keep the critics near yourself and this way you will continue to know your weaknesses."

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:40 AM


Palampur was a small village near Shimla. People of this village were ordinary workers and earned very little for their livelihood.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ardworking.jpg There was a railway station near the village, where a small market developed in due course of time. Ramlal was a poor labourer of this village and used to work in the market on daily wages. This was the only source of income for Ramlal and he had many liabilities to carry – children's education, food, clothes, etc. He had four children, but Bhola was the most notorious child of all. He had no interest in studies. He used to make several excuses for not going to the school. Not only this, he preferred to eat chocolate, toffee and junk foods instead of homemade food. Every day he used to take money from his father giving one pretence or another and spend recklessly.
Ramlal was very much worried for his son Bhola who had such bad habits. One day, he took a strict decision to reform his son. He vowed not to give him any money from that day onwards.
The words of his father made Bhola sad. He came to the conclusion that the day was not good for him. In case he did not earn, he would not get the food in the evening. http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ailstation.jpgHe thought, ‘Where should I go? I must ask my mother for fifty rupees and this way today's problem would be solved.' So, he went to his mother and narrated the whole incident to her. The mother gave him fifty rupees. He ran to his father and gave him the money.
Ramlal understood that his son had not earned the money but had taken it from someone. Therefore, he asked his son to throw the note into a well. Bhola threw the money into the well.
Ramlal complained to him, "I had asked you to earn money on your own. Why did you take it from your mother? Go again and earn this amount yourself. In case you fail to earn fifty rupees, you will not get the food in the evening. Go and do just as I have told you."
In spite of this, Bhola did not take the words of his father seriously. He again went to his mother, told her everything and asked her for fifty rupees. But this time, his mother refused. Then he went to his sister, narrated the whole story to her and asked for money. She took pity on her brother and gave him fifty rupees. He was very happy and went to his father with those rupees. But his father again asked him to throw the note into the well. He had to throw this money into the well.
Ramlal commanded his son again, "Go and earn money yourself." The bewildered son again went to his mother for money, but she refused. Then he went to his sister, but she also refused.
Bhola came out of the house. He was very sad and lost all hope. He sat on the road-side and started weeping. At this moment, a passerby asked him, "Why are you crying?" Bhola replied, "I need fifty rupees urgently. My father has told me to earn fifty rupees today. Failing this he will not allow me to take the meal in the evening." "Right, you have to work and earn money. Nobody will pay you without work. Why don't you go to the railway station and help the passengers carry their luggage." Then the man gave his own bag to the boy to carry it to the station and paid him twenty rupees. Encouraged by the job suggested by the stranger, Bhola helped other passengers in carrying their luggage to the railway platform and earned thirty rupees more by the evening. Now, he had fifty rupees in all. He quickly went home.
On reaching home, he handed those rupees to his father. But his father again asked him to throw the money into the well.
http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...oud_on_son.jpg"This time, Bhola did not throw the money away. Instead he said to his father, "The money is not borrowed, but I've earned it through hard labour. I will not throw it into the well. I worked at the railway station carrying loads on my head. I did not hard labour so I cannot throw the money. I will rather keep it safe." Hearing this, Ramlal patted his son with great affection. He further said, "I also earn money with hard labour and the same is wasted by you on useless items. I hope now you have understood the value of hard labour and money." He continued to say, "It is praiseworthy that you did not lose hope and continued to make efforts to earn. Now you are supposed to study and get good education to become a good citizen."
Bhola was very happy. His confidence increased and he said, "I will work hard in life and never waste money. I will also try to become a good citizen."

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:40 AM


http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ges/raghav.jpgOnce upon a time there was a poor person named Raghav. He was so poor that he never thought of marriage and carrying out the responsibility of a family. He never worked permanently at one place. Whatever work he got, he did wholeheartedly. He never negotiated for the wages and was happy with the remuneration he got. This was the reason that there was no shortage of work for him. People always preferred to call Raghav for their work.
Sometimes odd jobs were also given to Raghav, such as cutting wood for fire, washing clothes and bathing animals. This way Raghav remained busy all the animals. This way Raghav remained busy all the time.
In the evening, before coming back to his house, Raghav used to take a bath in the river and visit the temple every day.
One day, Raghav felt that the god was a bit perturbed and was starting sadly at him. He thought, 'Either the god is tired, or he is unable to tolerate the smoke of the incense sticks or can't bear the load of the garlands.'
Then, he said to the god with folded hands, "Oh god, it appears that you are tired. Come with me to my house. I will serve you delicious food."
The god smiled at the simplicity and innocence of Raghav.
Raghav was surprised to see the god smiling. Meanwhile, the god spoke out, "Go home and prepare food for me. Then come here to take me with you."
Raghav felt great that despite the crowd in the temple, the god only spoke to him.
Now Raghav went home quickly and prepared food for the god as well as for himself.http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...pared-food.jpg Thereafter, he felt for the temple to bring the god to his house for the meal.
Raghav had hardly gone a few yards when an old man called him and said, "My son! I am hungry. I have not eaten for two days. Will you kindly give me some food?" Raghav said, "Why not? Come with me."
He took the old man to his house and served him food. Having eaten, the old man blessed him and left.
Now Raghav again rushed to invite the god but an old lady called him from behind and said, "I am very hungry. Will you please give me some food?" Raghav felt pity for her and said, "Please come with me."
He took the old lady to his house and served her food. After the meal, she thanked him and went away.
Thereafter, Raghav again rushed to the temple to bring the god to his house. But this time a child came across him. He said to Raghav, "I am hungry. I have not eaten anything since morning."
Though Raghav was in a hurry, he took the boy to his house and gave him food. The boy thanked him and said that he was an orphan and always had to beg for food. He further said that he had no place to live.
Raghav felt pity for him and offered him his house to live in. He said to the boy, "Come to my house again tomorrow and I will give you nice food."
The boy nodded his head and went away. Then, Raghav again proceeded to the temple to bring the god for food. On reaching, he stood in front of the statue of the god and said with his eyes closed, "Oh god! I am sorry for coming late." The god said, "But you have already given me food."
Raghav was surprised and asked, "Oh God! When did I serve you food? I am unable to recollect."
The god said to him, "Did you not serve two old people and a boy with food at your home? By feeding them, you have in fact served me. I am very happy with you." At this, Raghav said to the god, "But you had promised me that you would come to my house?"
To this, the god said, "All right. Go to your house and I will be there soon."As soon as Raghav reached his house, he saw a sharp beam of light entering his house and the next moment, the god appeared there. Raghav said to god, "Now I am very happy that you came to my house. Please be seated. Since there is no food left, I will bring fruits for you." After taking fruits, the god blessed Raghav. Raghav fell on his feet and bade goodbye to him. The god disappeared. Raghav felt proud on having served his god at home. It was the happiest day of his life.
On the other hand, when the landlord of the village came to know that the god came to the house of Raghav, he felt jealous of him. He thought, "I have invested a lot of money in constructing the temple. But the god has never come to my house, nor ever talked to me." So he reached the temple and said to the god, "You have never come to my house. I am requesting you to come." The god said, "My son, go to your house and prepare food for me. I will come to your house." The landlord went to his house and ordered different food items to be prepared. Then he rushed to bring the god home. On the way, he met an old man who begged him for food. But the landlord got angry and scolded him. Then he met an old woman who also begged for food but he ignored her as well. He told her to move aside as he was in a hurry. He kept grumbling about the poor and beggars, "I do not know from where all these people have come."
After some time a small boy approached him and begged for food. But the landlord pushed the boy aside and rushed to the temple.
On reaching there, he requested the god with folded hands and closed eyes, "Oh god, food is ready. I have come to take you my home. Please come with me."
The god said, "I had gone to your house but you did not welcome me. First I was there as an old man, then as an old woman and then as a boy. But you behaved very rudely." Then the god disappeared.
The landlord felt sorry for his behavior. He realized his fault and took a pledge not to behave rudely with anyone in future. Since then he became a kind person.

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:41 AM


http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ur-friends.jpgThere were four friends named Mahesh, Ramesh, Rakesh and Mohan. They belonged to the same village. Once they were invited to attend a marriage function in a distant village. Therefore, they decided to go to attend the marriage party together.
On the day of the marriage started their journey early in the morning, so that they could cross the forest before darkness falls.
While they were crossing the forest cautiously, they could not enjoy its beauty because they were afraid of the wild animals. That’s why; they wanted to cross the forest speedily.
By noon, they had crossed more than half the way. All of a sudden, Mahesh asked Ramesh, Rakesh and Mohan to stop and said, "There may be danger ahead as the area is known for its tigers. Let us check for the tigers first, then we will proceed further." They all looked here and there. At this moment, Mohan saw the tail of a tiger behind the bushes. He trembled with fear and cried, "There is a tiger behind the bushes! Now, what do we do? How can we save our lives?" Mahesh said, "Do not be afraid of the tiger. Have faith in God. We should pray to God. He will protect us."
Ramesh climbed up a tree and said to his friends, "Do not waste time in talking. Quickly, climb up a tree. God helps those who help themselves. Be quick. Save yourself." So Mahesh, Rakesh and Mohan rushed to a nearby tree and climbed up. They all waited for the tiger to go. When the tiger went away, they descended from the tree. Thus, they crossed the forest safely and reached the village to attend the marriage party.

صائد الأفكار 15 - 8 - 2012 12:42 AM


http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...-his-queen.jpgLong ago, there was a king named Somvardhan who was ruling over Baji. He had a son named Rajyavardhan. Rajyavardhan and Meghnath, who was the son of the prime minister, were good friends. They both studied at Kashi for many years and had learnt many things. The prince was an expert in entering the dead body of an animal, while Meghnath knew the art of bringing a dead to life. After they finished their studies, they returned to Baji.
Then the king of Magadha approached Somvardhan with a marriage proposal of his daughter. Both agreed and the prince, Rajyavardhan married the princess of Magadha named Chandramukhi. She was very beautiful and adept in many subjects.
One day, the prince said to his friend, Meghnath, "Today I want to go for hunting. Would you like to accompany me?"
His friend said, "Why not? When you are inviting me, I wouldn't dare to deny. Let us go for hunting. It is our royal game."
Both the friends went to the forest. There they saw a dead lion. Meghnath suggested to his friend that they should try their knowledge on the dead lion. The prince agreed and told Meghnath to make the dead lion alive. He decided to try his own skill after Meghnath.
Thus, Meghnath prepared himself to perform the task. He chanted the verse to make the lion alive. As soon as he finished his task, the lion stood alive. The prince was standing very close to the animal. The lion suddenly rushed to attack him. But a timely warning from Meghnath saved the prince. He had already told him to be active and ready to face the lion. The prince was ready. He swiftly took out his sword and killed the lion.
The prince was very happy with his friend. He said to Meghnath, "Dear friend, thank you very much. Your timely warning saved my life; otherwise the lion would have killed me. You have won my heart. Now I will teach you the art of entering a dead body." Meghnath said, "When also teach me your knowledge, I will also teach you the art of making the dead alive." Both of them then taught each other their respective arts. Thereafter, they returned to the palace.
The king Somvardhan had now become very old and often fell ill. One day, he died leaving the responsibility on the shoulders of his son Rajyavardhan. On the other hand, the prime minister had also become old and hence, took retirement from his work. His son Meghnath took the charge and became the prime minister of Rajyavardhan. Soon the royal comforts got into his head and he became a changed person. He wanted to remove the king and take his place himself. He even had his eyes on the queen Chandramukhi and wanted to marry her.
Thus Meghnath thought of a plan. He then said to the king, "It is long since we have gone for hunting. If you permit, we shall go for it today."
The king Rajyavardhan readily agreed to his plan. Both the friends went to the forest on their horses. They found the dead body of a monkey. Meghnath thought, 'This is a golden opportunity for me and I should not miss it. I would ask the king to enter the dead body of the monkey and thereafter, I would enter the body of the king. On getting the king's body, I will kill the monkey, i.e. Rajyavardhan and thus, be a king for- ever.'
Meghnath requested the king, "We have been busy in the state affairs for long. Now we should test our knowledge, lest we forget it." The king agreed and got ready to enter the body of the monkey. He said Meghnath, "I will enter the body of monkey and you will keep a watch on my body." So he went inside the body of the monkey. Meghnath was eagerly waiting for this opportunity. He quickly entered the body of Rajyavardhan. Seeing this, the king who was now a monkey said to Meghnath, "What are you doing? Leave my body immediately. I want to enter my body."
Meghnath laughed and said, "You are a fool. Now I will sit on the throne. You must die now." And he rushed to kill the monkey but the monkey quickly thought climbed up a high tree.
The monkey thought, 'Oh! I have committed a blunder. I should not have taught him the art of entering another body. Now he will easily capture everything that belonged to me.' Meghnath was also worried because he could not kill the monkey, who might disclose the secret in future. He threw his own vacant body into a well and came back to the palace.
When he came back to the palace, nobody expressed any doubt about him. He thus became the king. He told everyone that Meghnath had been killed by a lion while hunting. His parents wept and cried and then a accepted their son's death as God' wish.
Meghnath was now very worried about the monkey who might disclose the secret of his claim on the throne. He wanted to kill the monkey at any cost. He declared, "Monkeys are a nuisance. They damage the crops. So they should be finished. A monkey catcher would be paid two silver coins per monkey and a special price would be paid for the monkey speaking like human beings."
The announcement created turmoil among the hunters. They started catching monkeys for the reward. The monkey having Rajyavardhan in his body was also caught by a hunter. The hunter thought of taking the monkey to the king the next day. He was not aware of the fact that the monkey he had caught could speak like a human being.
The monkey spoke to the hunter, "If you want a lot of money, you should take me to the queen." The hunter was surprised to see the monkey speaking and said, "Who are you – A ghost or a genie?"
The monkey replied, "I am neither a ghost nor a genie, but a victim of a disloyal friend. I request you to take me to the queen. She will give you lot of money."
The greedy hunter said, "Alright! I will not give you to the king. But how can I approach the queen?"
The monkey asked him to bring a pen and a paper and said, "I will give you letter and ifhttp://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...ing_letter.jpg you deliver it to the queen, you will get a lot of money. 'In case you do whatever you like."
The hunter went outside and brought a pen and a paper from another hunter. The monkey wrote a letter to the queen narrating the whole incident. He also asked the queen to give a good amount of money to the hunter to get him released from the custody.
Unluckily, when the hunter asked the other hunter for a pen and paper, the latter got suspicious. He was very clever and wanted to know what the matter was. He spied on the former hunter and heard the conversation between him and the monkey. He had already heard the announcement regarding a speaking monkey so he decided to buy the monkey from the hunter.
Next day, he bought the monkey from the first hunter at a very high price. But the first hunter did not tell about the letter and proceeded to the queen to get more money. On the other hand, the monkey was not worried about the new hunter and was satisfied that the letter would reach the queen as the first hunter had not revealed anything his new owner. The first hunter gave the letter to the queen. The queen was very intelligent. She recognized the handwriting of her husband and under stood everything. She gave a good reward to the hunter and decided to punish Meghnath who had entered the body of her husband. She asked one of her maids to bring a parrot and a goat from the market secretly. Her maid bought the parrot in a cage and a goat and gave them to the queen. Now she began thinking of a plan to release her husband.
On the other hand, the letter hunter along with the monkey left for the palace to get a reward. As the hunter reached near the palace, the monkey looked towards the window of the queen with hopeful eyes. The queen was standing with a parrot in her hands. She also saw the hunter along with the monkey, who was gazing at her. She understood the whole thing. She whistled sharply to the monkey. Then, she killed the parrot and started singing the instructions so that her husband (who was in the body of monkey) can enter the body of the parrot. Her husband followed the signal and quickly left the body of the monkey and entered the parrot's by using his skill. The queen put the parrot into the cage and brought him her room. The hunter was surprised to see the monkey dead. People assembled to see the dead animal. When Meghnath came to know that Rajyavardhan had changed the body, he ordered to catch all birds and animals around the palace. Thereafter, he came to the queen and asked her, "Why don't you love me wholeheartedly?" She replied, "I have noticed a change in your behavior and come to doubt that you are someone else, who resembles my husband." Meghnath said, "Your doubt is baseless." The queen said, "If you are right in your claim, just prove it by entering the body of this goat, which I am going to kill. If you could do it, I'll be convinced, since my husband knew this art well."
http://www.kidsgen.com/stories/bedti...d-the-goat.jpgThe queen then killed the goat and Meghnath got ready to enter the body of the dead animal.
As Meghnath entered the body of the goat, the body of the Rajyavardhan became empty. The queen asked her husband, who was in the body of the parrot, to enter his own body quickly. Rajyavardhan used his skill and entered his own body left by Meghnath who was now in the body of the goat.
The queen Chandramukhi got her husband back through her intelligence and Rajyavardhan received his old status. Then they killed the goat, i.e. Meghnath. The wicked Meghnath was no more. This way, the queen and the king were reunited

الساعة الآن 04:22 AM.

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