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ÃÑÈ ÌãÜÇá 1 - 11 - 2009 10:12 PM

Miracles in the human body
Miracles in the Eye:


Before you f***sh reading this sentence, approximately one hundred billion (100,000,000,000) operations will have been completed inside your eyes.

The eye, is one of those organs of the body that have kept evolutionists on the ropes ever since Darwin, who himself confessed, "I remember well the time when the thought of the eye made me cold all over." A close examination of the eye's structure and functions will make it clear why evolutionists have felt compelled to avoid it.

The Miracle of Electricity in the body

Without electricity, what would your life be like? You would have to find a way of ascending 15 floors with no elevator and preventing food in your refrigerator from spoiling. You could not watch television, warm your dinner up in the microwave, listen to your favorite music on the stereo, quickly dry your hair, cool down your bedroom ** means of air conditioning, brighten that room with the touch of a switch or to operate essential machines like your dishwasher, washing machine and clothes drier. At night, your home would be dark and un**fe, and you would live deprived of the many time-**ving technologies such as electric heaters, kettles, table lamps, videos and computers—which all make our life so much easier. On a larger scale, traffic, communications, transport, security systems, workplaces, water distribution, energy production, publishing and the press, all depend on electricity as well.
During the summer of 2003, a power blackout in the U**, which affected an area extending from Detroit to Chicago, was a striking example of electricity’s vital importance. Although short-lived, it was reported as a catastrophe. Newspapers ran headlines like “LIFE COMES TO A STANDSTILL.” In the absence of electricity, traffic lights, elevators, public transport, and computers all became inoperative. People were unable to go to work, go shopping,
or even communicate with one another.
The importance of electricity, whose interruption can bring life to a complete standstill, goes far beyond this. Just as a city’s functioning depends on the continuation of the established order, so there is a need for electricity in the human body, in processes analogous to energy production, communications, security, maintenance, and repair. In short, life would be impossible in the absence of our bodies’ electrical system, which is even more essential
than the power grid in cities.
Few who make use of electricity reflect on the fact that, just like the appliances they depend on, their bodies could not function without electricity. The fact is, however, that the human body has been equipped with a flawless electricity network, along with the presence of intelligent systems that contain the most complex information and know-how
to benefit from electrical energy.
Indeed, scientists employ terms commonly used in electronics to describe the body’s nervous system: “generate,” “circuit,” “current,” “resistance,” “voltage,” “insulation,” “charge,” and so forth. It is next to impossible to describe the system without using these terms. The fact that principles neces**ry for the functioning of technology, discovered in only the last two centuries, have existed in the human body ever since it was first created, is a clear indication of the superior knowledge of Allah.

The Miracle of Blood and Heart

If you had never been aware of the existence of the blood flowing in your body and then suddenly discovered it one day, you would be surprised. The first fact to amaze you would be the prevailing red color just beneath your skin. When you learned that the liquid causing it was constantly flowing at high speed, you would be even more astonished. When scratched or nicked, you would watch how blood flowed to the surface, soon stopped and coagulated ** itself. When you examined its workings in some detail, you would realize that your body could not survive without blood and perhaps more interestingly, the blood could not survive without your body. You would then begin to wonder how and why this special fluid had been placed inside your body.
According to evolutionists, this magnificent universe, the flawless human body, all the different species of animals and plants—in short, everything that exists—came about ** chance. However, when one examines anything on Earth in any detail, one can easily see how terribly erroneous the theory of evolution really is. Any biological system is so detailed and rational that far from it being brought into existence ** chance, the slightest deviance would clearly disrupt its functioning.
There is flawlessness in every part and every detail in the system. Human beings discovered the details of this perfect system just in the last hundred years, and only in general terms. It is Almighty God, He Who is superior to all, Who created all these.

THE MIRACLE OF Human creation

The human body is the most complicated machine in the world. We see with it, hear with it, breathe with it, walk and run with it, and sense pleasure with it. Its bones, muscles, arteries, veins and internal organs are organized with marvellous design, and when we examine this design in detail we find even more amazing facts. Every part of the body, though each may seem to be so different from another, is made up of the **me material: cells.
The Miracle of Smell and Taste

You have been using your senses of smell and taste ever since you first came into the world, and can now perceive tens of thou**nds of scents and flavors with no difficulty. That is because you possess magnificent systems that make this possible. Your senses of smell and taste work faultlessly and tirelessly on your behalf, throughout your entire lifetime. What is more, you have paid nothing for them, have received no specialized tra***ng and make no effort at all in order to make use of them.
Medical and biological ****books on the subject tell us that we owe our perceptions of smell and taste to our noses, tongues and brains. It is true, of course that we perceive flavors and odors ** means of these organs. Yet another point here is ignored, whether consciously or otherwise. The question that’s generally overlooked and that really needs to be answered is this: To whom do we owe the existence of our noses, tongues and brains?
Most people think that it is sufficient to know that they smell with their noses and taste with their tongues, and are not concerned with the intricate details. Yet this is a serious mistake to make. Taste and smell are inseparable, essential elements of everyone’s life, and it is terribly heedless for anyone aware of that to ignore the significant details that these senses present.

ãáß ÇáÞáæÈ 29 - 12 - 2009 11:20 PM

thanks for this topic

ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä 02:28 AM.

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