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جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 02:57 AM

Selfish Friendship.

Once a cat was caught in a hunter's net. A mouse used to live in a nearby hole. The mouse seeing the cat in the net started playing around the cat. Soon a mongoose came there. He wanted to kill the mouse. As he lifted his head, he saw an owl sitting on a tree trying to catch him. The mongoose went very near the cat's net to save himself. The mouse thought "When the hunter takes away the cat, the mongoose will not spare me and the owl is there to enjoy both of us."

The Mouse went to the cat and said, "I can cut the net if you promise to save my life from the mongoose and the owl." The cat agreed. The mouse started cutting the net slowly and freed the cat only when the hunter was just near the cat. The cat took to heels and so ran the mongoose too. The owl was very much disappointed to see even the mouse running away to safety.

A few days later, the cat being hungry, went to the hole of the mouse and requested him to come out for a game. The mouse replied, "I sought friendship and saved you to save my life." Now you can go home.

MORAL : Don’t nurture friendship with selfish people.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 02:58 AM

Sheba and The Monkey.

Sheba, the queen of jungle, was very fond of babies. Once, she announced, "I order all animals to come to my palace with their babies. The animal who has the most beautiful baby will be awarded a prize".

All animals came to Sheba's palace with their babies.

Sheba started inspecting the babies one by one. She came to a monkey and said "What an ugly baby! You will not get the prize".

The baby monkey started to cry. The monkey said, "What a foolish queen she is! Who wants her prize! You are my jewel, my dear child. You are more precious than anything under the sky".

MORAL : Mother’s love has no equals.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 02:59 AM

Silly Little Mariam.

There lived a little girl Mariam who was very silly and lazy. Often
she used to wander hither and thither with no purpose. Once, as she went wandering she felt very thirsty. She went to a pond nearby and quenched her thirst. She felt very tired and drowsy. She slept right there on the banks of the pond.

When she woke up it was night already. She peeped into the pond but could not see her reflection. She got a big doubt, “Am I really here or not? Well! Let me ask at my home".

She went home and found the door closed. She called out "Is Mariam in there?" A sleepy voice replied, “Oh! She must be in bed". Mariam thought, “If Mariam is at home, I am not Mariam". Saying this, she went away.

MORAL : Shadows are not realities.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:00 AM

The Camel and The Jackal.

A camel and a jackal were friends. One day the jackal took his friend to a big sugar-cane farm. It was on the opposite side of a river. After a sumptuous meal the jackal began to howl loudly. The frightened camel pleaded with the jackal not to do so. The jackal said, “Friend, I have this habit after every meal. I cannot help it." Soon the farmers arrived and gave a sound thrashing to the camel. When the camel crossed the river the jackal joined him on his back. In the midstream the camel took a deliberate dip in the water. When the jackal cried out in terror, the camel said casually: "I have the habit of rolling in the water after every meal." The poor jackal was drowned.

MORAL : Every action has an opposite reaction.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:01 AM

The Cap-Seller and The Monkeys.

Once, there was a cap-seller in a town. On one fine day, he was selling caps.

“Caps, caps, caps….Five rupees caps, ten rupees caps….”

After he made few sales of caps, he became very tired. He decided to sit under a big tree to take rest for a while. Soon, he slept off.

There were many monkeys on the big tree. They saw the cap-seller was sleeping under the tree. The monkeys were sitting on the top of the tree. The monkeys came down, took the caps from the cap-seller-bag and wore them. Then they climbed the tree again.

When the cap seller woke up, he was shocked to see his basket empty. He searched for his caps. To his surprise, he saw the monkeys were wearing them. He found that monkeys were imitating him. So, he started throwing his cap down and the monkeys also did so. The cap-seller collected all the caps, put them back in his basket and went away happily.

Moral : Wisdom is better than weapons of war.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:03 AM

The Cat and The Fox.

A cat and a fox were once discussing about hounds.

The cat said, "I hate hounds. They are very nasty animals. They hunt and kill us".

The fox said, "I hate hounds more
than you". .

The cat asked, "How do you save yourself from hounds?"

The fox replied, "There are many tricks to get away from hounds".

The cat asked "Can you say what your tricks are?"

"They are very simple", said the fox. He added, "I can hide behind thick bushes. I can run along thorny hedges. I can hide in burrows. There are
many more such tricks".

Now it was the turn of the fox to ask the cat about her tricks.

The fox asked, "How many tricks do you know?"

The cat replied, "I know just one trick".

The Fox sneered, "Oh! How sad! You know only one trick? What is your trick?"

The cat was about to answer. But, she found a flock of hounds fast approach. She said, "I am going to do it now. Because the hounds are coming".

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:04 AM

The Crooked Tree.

It was a dense forest. All trees were straight and tall.

Their trunks were broad and shapely. But, there was one tree which was having a crooked and shapeless trunk.

The crooked trunk tree was sad. He thought "How ugly I am! All others are straight and shapely. I alone have crooked trunk.”

One day a wood-cutter came there. He looked around and said "I will cut all trees here, except that crooked tree. That is of no use to me".

He cut away
all other trees.

Now, the crooked tree was happy for its crookedness.

MORAL : Be happy with what you are.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:05 AM

The Crow and The Eagle.

There lived a crow on a tree top. Everyday he used
to watch with utter wonder the acts of an eagle.

The eagle had a nest high up on a mountain. He used to swoop down from there to get hold of a lamb and fly up again and all in one go.

The crow was amazed by the feat of the eagle.

One day he was so excited that he wanted to imitate the eagle. So up he flew as high as he could. From there he began to swoop down. He came down and down. But alas, he could not control himself. He crashed on the ground and broke his beak.

MORAL : Thoughtless imitation will end in danger.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:07 AM

The Cows and The Lion.

There was a village near a jungle. The village cows used to go up to the jungle in search
of food.

In the forest there lived awicked
lion. He used to kill a cow now and then and eat her. This was happening for quite sometime. The cows were frightened.

One day, all the cows held a meeting. An old cow said, "Listen everybody, the lion eats one of us only because we go into the jungle separately. From now on we will all be together".

From then on all the cows went into the jungle in a herd. When they heard or saw the lion all of them unitedly moo and chased him away.

MORAL : Divided we fall. United we stand.

جمال جرار 13 - 8 - 2012 03:07 AM

The Crane and The Wolf.

Once a wolf was lucky to get hold of a nice dinner.

He sat in his place and started to eat. He did not want to share his food with anyone else. He was eating so hurriedly that a small piece of bone got stuck in his throat.

He gurgled hard. He tried to swallow. He tried to spit it out. But nothing worked out. The bone won't move. He got afraid.

"If I can't take the bone out, I can't eat. I will die of hunger", he thought sadly.

Suddenly he remembered the crane who lived nearby. He thought, "The crane has a long neck. She can reach and take out the bone". So off he went to the crane and said, "Please take out the bone from my neck. I will pay good".

The crane took out the bone and asked for her fees.

The wolf replied "Aren't you happy that you put your head into my mouth and got it out safely? Forget the fees.”

MORAL : Good for the evil are fast forgotten.

الساعة الآن 09:09 AM.

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