Evening Nostalgia
In the evening, I like to watch the vacant streets and think that I own them. I possess their silence with my thoughts; color the walls with past memories, borrow some old rhythms from Fairouz songs and dance before the night's over. Lanterns, hanging in the narrow path, sway and give a way for a beautiful lie; an intimate feeling between a person and his/her surroundings. You sometimes need to believe that your surroundings belong to you, your world too. You sometimes need to believe that the night likes your company and the light won't intrude before making sure that you're in a peaceful sleep. You wish, though you are aware of your night dreaming, that the world would shrink to the size of your street and people to the number of your thoughts, and you control them!m |
رد: Evening Nostalgia
dear ward,
evening is the start of dreaming,, the start of thinking that the dreams will start,, my own world will call me to join it and not to be late here where i belong here where i built my dreams and,,here,,i let my dreams grow thanks dear |
الساعة الآن 02:50 AM. |
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